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Saturday, October 10, 2009

2.5 Miles

That is the distance from our house to the intersection where two drugstores, our bank, pet food store, two fast food restaurants, and one grocery store are located.

When our car died this past February, we didn't have the $$$ to fix it and with the economy, didn't want to try and take on a car payment, so we decided to get bikes since we were so *close* to all our usual spots.   My husband works at home for his full-time job, and takes the bus on the weekends for his part-time job, so we have been able to fairly easily make do w/o a car.  I have a good friend who lives two streets over who has generously offered her car to us whenever we need it, and occasionally we take her up on it, but for the most part, we hike/bike everywhere. 

What I didn't know at the time we got the bikes was how difficult it was to pull my daughter on her bike (which is attached to mine).  You get quite a workout, let me tell you.  Unfortunately, earlier this summer I pulled a muscle in my knee riding with her so I haven't ridden my bike since about mid-July.  So trips to the grocery store, etc. are made walking, usually pulling The Princess in her wagon.

Today was grocery shopping day.  Usually we go Friday morning but I slept in a bit  a long time yesterday so we went today.  We left at 8:45 am, got dog food, stopped for breakfast at McD's, then off to the store.  Shopped quickly (my husband had to get home to go to his part-time job), got home by 10:45 am, checked the weather...84°.  Turned on the pool pump and we are headed into the water to cool off after that leisurely  hot, sweaty 2.5 mile walk!

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